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My Writing Community- Bali Babes Collaboration Part 1.


As you all know by now, I am a big advocate for the writing community- especially if you are a new writer with plans to publish in the future. There is nothing more valuable to a writer than to have friends and connections in the industry. Whether you just need a sounding board for a new idea, or you need detailed publishing advice, having an entire network to lean on, learn from, and to support and teach in kind, makes the whole writing process easier. You only need to ask anyone who has this kind of support to get a complete series of stories of how the writing community has helped them.

So, with that in mind, I am going to share some insight into my writing community- specifically, the ladies that joined me on the Bali Writer’s Retreat. I want to clarify that this is not where my “tribe” starts and ends. But if I were to list every person that has had an impact on my writing journey so far, I would never get to the end of the list. As it is, this collaboration with the Bali Babes will be split into two parts- come back next month for part 2.

Ok then, let’s get started…


Samantha Davidson

In Samantha’s words:

When I asked Sam what she, and her platform, stands for she said this...

“I believe that everyone has a story to tell, the trick is how to tell it, through visual arts, spoken word, written word, service, etc. I want to facilitate that for authors and creatives, and help them funnel their story into a cohesive representation, and support them in the process.

“Personally, I want to show people beauty where they've never seen it. I've always wanted to touch people’s lives in a way that when they walk away from me, my story, my art, my photography, etc, their lives have been affected in some way. I want to impact the world with positivity, light and generosity.”

What she offers:

“Currently working on her debut series – a young adult fantasy due to be published in 2019.

Samantha offers mentoring and coaching services to “creatives” who are looking to build a career in writing, photography, or any creative business endeavour; truly believing her purpose is to inspire aspiring authors and artists in their dreams of marrying their passions and career.” – Sam’s bio.

As a well-rounded “creative” herself, Sam offers a wide range of services through her various platforms. Present on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, her own website and more, you can find her blog, newsletter, unpublished writing, and podcast episodes. Her most recent addition to her platform is The Write Path- an entirely new community space (on all your usual platforms) solely focused on writers.

Any spoilers/what’s coming up:

If you’ve been following Samantha you’ve seen her hints at more exciting things to come. But what are they? More author collaborations, a “book club” designed to promote writers and bring the community together, and “secret projects galore”! I don’t know about you, but I’m excited!

Samantha’s links:

The Write Path:

What I love about Sam and her platform:

I am constantly in awe of Samantha and her platform, because Sam doesn’t seem to know what a ceiling looks like. She puts her heart and soul into something, works really hard to get it out to everyone, and it’s great, and then she says, “Yeah, but I want to do more, so I have this idea…” and keeps going. She is constantly trying to bring people together and supply them with information and connection, and she does an amazing job. Everything she shares with the world is packed full of value, and just when I think she’s reached the top of the mountain and can relax, she picks herself up and keeps going- not because she feels like she has to, or that she owes it to anyone, but because she wants to, because she actually loves providing the world with more. More resources, more information, more opportunities for self-reflection and growth, more services, more open and supportive spaces for people to connect… If the world can be one person’s oyster, Samantha has a whole bucket of them, and she’s handing them out to anyone who wants to show up and be a part of something amazing.

I believe that everyone has a story to tell, the trick is how to tell it.

What's the biggest lesson you learned about being a writer last year?

"It takes time – to feel like you belong, to finish edits, to find your niche. It all takes time, but in a year, you’ll hardly recognize the strides you’ve made, even when it feels like you’re standing still! Enjoy this time, enjoy the new phases of your journey, and enjoy being a beginner, because you’ll only have your first first draft once, your first completed book, once. Your first query rejection once!"

What's your best advice to a writer just starting out?

"Write your truth, whatever that is, write it. If that’s as simple as writing every memory you have from childhood, or the scene from your favourite peak in the mountains. Right your truth, to find your voice. And have faith in yourself, you’ve got everything that it takes, already inside you, you just need to embrace it!"


Audrey Denholm

In Audrey’s words:

“I'm a woman, wanting to live my best life & have an awesome time doing it! I live to write, read & talk love, I'm an advocate for healthy relationships & want to have real conversations about things important to me.”

What she offers:

Audrey reads and writes love. Love is in everything she does- including bringing value to you! All about balance in life and doing what you love, Audrey has tips and tricks to help you be productively passionate!

Are you looking for... - Inspiration to follow your dreams... - A place to talk all things romance... - Real discussions about what healthy relationships look like on & off the page...

Then Audrey’s your girl!

Bringing you steamy contemporary romance, along with advice for finding balance in your life, or writing tips from a pantser that plans (like, woah, mind blown), Audrey is all about love- in all it’s amazing forms, in every area of your life.

You can find her great words of wisdom on YouTube, follow her day to day on social media or reach out and talk to her directly- she’s super friendly, you can seriously send her a message and strike up a conversation. Audrey currently has a FREE pdf download, Productively Passionate, available on her website. It gets you to have a look at your attitude and your actions towards your passion.

Any spoilers/what’s coming up:

This year, Audrey’s is focusing on “revisions (old words) & writing (new words)”. She has a new duology in the works, as well as another trilogy. Both series are contemporary, super steamy and she’s already madly in love with her characters. Audrey says, “I can't wait to share my writing process & the journey toward (fingers crossed!) traditional publication.”

Never settle for second best, in love or life. Be true to yourself, always.

Audrey’s links:

What I love about Audrey and her platform:

Audrey’s tag line in her YouTube videos say it all for me: “I’m Audrey Denholm. I read love, write love, and I wish you all the love in the world. Because everyone deserves their happily ever after.”

I know those words off the top of my head, like they were a lullaby. Because that is Audrey, through and through.

She’s a straight talker, but don’t let her bluntness fool you. This woman is all about the love, and it only takes one conversation with this woman to fall in love with her.

Audrey was the first person I really connected with in Bali. We had a heart felt conversation on the first night, and there was something about the way she spoke that made me feel completely at ease. Talking with Audrey is like talking with your best friend.

You know those moments when you rant about a boy for an hour and then your friend gives you a one or two sentence snippet of advice that is more profound than anything you’ve ever heard before? Yeah, that’s Audrey. And it’s just in the way she thinks and how she shares her ideas. Even across oceans, in a five minute YouTube video, it still feels like she’s talking to me. The way she delivers her contact is so relaxed, honest, comforting, ass kicking, nurturing and totally and completely spot on, that I constantly find myself screaming “YES” at her videos, stories or posts.

If you’re looking for someone truly relatable and inspiring, Audrey is your girl.

What's the biggest lesson you learned about being a writer last year?

"My biggest strength (something my day job has taught me, actually) is focus and dreaming big. They go hand-in-hand, really. Traditional publication in contemporary romance? Writing 5 books in 2019? Alongside a demanding (and fulfilling) career? No problem! And even when I face problems - because there will always be problems! - I will handle it. Never settle for second best, in love or life. Be true to yourself, always."

What's your best advice to a writer just starting out?

"That persistence is right up there with talent! We face plenty of self-doubt and rejection as writers, whether we are aspiring to be published authors or 80 books into our career, and it is much easier to lean on our tribe and pick ourselves up, than it is to give up. Try, try and then try again - find your tribe & hold them close - keep on writing. Reach out to me directly via my socials/website if you want to connect over your writing journey - Twitter is where you'll find me the most."


Annie North

In Annie’s words:

“I started my AuthorTube channel to connect with likeminded people.

“Writing can be quite lonely, especially when you're surrounded by people who don't get it. Turns out all I needed to become a more productive and happier writer was a group of people I can share my struggles and successes with. That's what I want my platform to be: A place where you don't feel alone.”

What she offers:

Annie is bringing us along on her journey as she, a German woman, writes her first (and now second) English novel.

Along with her novel progress, she is also providing us with great advice for writers that may be facing the same struggles she is.

Any spoilers/what’s coming up:

Annie plans to start querying for her first book in March, and is going to take us along for the ride through her vlogs on YouTube- so you can expect lots of helpful information coming your way.

Annie's links:

What I love about Annie and her platform:

Picture yourself a fairy. Or a princess. Or a unicorn. (It doesn’t matter what, as long as it’s pretty and magical.) Now chuck on some sweat pants and a messy bun, and that’s Annie. Not that Annie only wears sweat pants with a messy bun- that’s not what I’m saying at all. I mean the magical and the casual. The awe-inspiring and the relatable.

Annie is sweet and beautiful and wise and kind, and so many other amazing (fairy/princess type) things. But she’s also raw and emotional and honest and insecure and still learning (i.e. COMPLETELY RELATABLE.)

Annie’s platform is a refreshing change from the “aesthetics” and “styled” look- and yet simultaneously stunning. Her videos are honest and inspiring- and god damn BEAUTIFUL! (Like seriously, her desk always has pretty candles and stuff, and the fairy lights!! Oh, the fairy lights!!!)

Annie has put all her personality into her platform, and it shows- in all the best ways.

What's the biggest lesson you learned about being a writer last year?

Don't just focus on being productive every single day. Don't beat yourself up if you don't check off every single thing on your To-Do List. It's so important to take time for yourself, to nourish your mind and your body.

I was at a point where I couldn't fall asleep until I reached my daily word count goal, and that goal was way too high for my writing speed. Especially because I had a lot of Uni work to do at the same time. I stopped working out, I stopped doing Yoga and I didn't even read anymore.

It took me a while to realize how unhealthy I got, both mentally and physically. I ended up using less than 2,000 words of the 60,000 words I wrote during that time. My own mental state had completely changed the voice of my protagonist, making her the most boring, sad and passive MC ever. Ugh. I hated her.

But I learned my lesson.

What's your best advice to a writer just starting out?

Take your time and enjoy the process. Don't be afraid to cut scenes, characters or entire chapters out of your manuscript. I deleted (DON'T EVER DELETE ENTIRE SCENES! Transfer them to a different file and keep them in case you change your mind) over 70.000 words in the process of writing and revising my book. You're not wasting time when you write stuff you don't end up using in the final draft because it helps you to get to know your characters and your world better.

That's what I want my platform to be: A place where you don't feel alone.


Barbara Mitobe

In Barbara’s words:

“My name is Barbara Mitobe, and I am the author of the future debut novel The Heart of Flame and Ice, a Rabbit Hole novel that takes place in the land of Wonderland.

“If you come find me, I’ll be taking you along with me on my journey to publication, which I share on my You Tube and Instagram pages. I have refocused my platform for 2019 to be as honest as possible about my journey, the ups and downs of what I encounter along the way to finishing my book and publishing it, and everything I’m learning while I’m at it.

“Come travel with me down the rabbit hole...”

What Barbara offers:

Barbara has recently refocused her platform to reflect a more realistic and relatable vibe. Deciding to take us on her journey, she will be sharing with the world the ups and downs of her process toward publication. She’ll share with us her thoughts on books she’s read- of the fiction and craft variety- conferences and retreats she’s attended, the community around her and how that impacts her success, and so much more.

Freebies: People who sign up to Barbara’s website in the first quarter of 2019 will receive a free list of her top 2018 YA Fantasy Reads. After that, she’ll be moving on to her top YA Fantasy Reads of the first quarter of 2019. And so on.

Any spoilers/what’s coming up:

Since Barbara’s freebies are always changing you can always expect something new from her.

Barbara’s links:


Come travel with me down the rabbit hole...

What I love about Barbara and her platform:

My favourite thing about Barbara is the way she really stops to think about the best way to do something- even if it doesn’t come to her straight away. While working with her on some stuff in Bali, she said to me, “I know I’ll get it eventually, but at the moment it’s just not right.” I guess that’s where the refocus on her platform came from. Now, after a lot of thought, out comes this wonderfully refreshing and honest platform, where she has promised to share all the good and bad of writing, from the perspective of a writer currently going through it- and isn’t that something that’s sorely lacking in the community. It’s easy to look back on a moment in your journey and give advice based on hindsight, but Barbara wants her followers to feel a part of something, to not feel alone. And she’s found a unique way to do it- simply by taking similar experiences and stories as those who have gone before, but telling them in real time. That’s not an easy thing to do, and this is what I look forward to the most as I watch Barbara’s platform develop now.

What's the biggest lesson you learned about being a writer last year?

The biggest lesson I’ve learned as a writer this last year is that having a writing community is incredibly important in maintaining my sanity AND my motivation for writing. When I’d gone a full seven months without touching my book in 2017, I knew I needed to change things up and find fellow writers. I began interacting with fellow writers on social media and joined a writing community on Facebook, and in doing so, I formed a lifelong community and group of writing friends that have helped me elevate my goals and writing ethic. Not to mention I’m having so much more fun with my writing now!

What’s your best advice to a writer just starting out?

My best advice to a writer starting out is to read, read, read! Read as much as you can in your genre and sub-genre. Find out what you like and don’t like. Look at these stories and figure out the plot points, the character arcs, the beats...and how these books did with these things, whether they handled it well or not at all. Your craft will develop by exposing yourself to the craft of others. I know from personal experience!


Ok guys, that's all for Part 1 of this collab. I really encourage you to check out these amazing women and all they do. Come back Februray 25th for Part 2 of this collab, where I'll introduce you to FIVE more wonderful women. I can't wait!

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