Heads up guys, I am not a daily writer. I did not expect to do well with this challenge.
And yet.
Now I’m not saying I wrote all the words in every sprint, but impressively, I did write every day for this challenge. 😲
The June challenge is pretty self-explanatory. We wrote… daily (for a week). Kaila jumped on Facebook to do lives every morning at 7am (the champ). For me, that meant 9pm write ins every night- and as a night writer, I loved this! I was in my zone- at least a hell of a lot more than I would have been at 7am (hello Zombie Jacinta, nice to see you again).
In all honesty, there isn’t much to say about this challenge except that I encourage you to try it. I found it really interesting to see that I can write daily- even if I don’t want to. I made the time and was surprised to see that I showed up. I actually thought this would be a big fail for me, but I was impressed with my effort. Don’t get me wrong, it didn’t change the fact that I’m not a daily writer, and I’m not about to set myself that challenge on a larger scale. But as I said with the 24hour write-a-thon, I think it’s so important to challenge yourself and try new things- especially if you find yourself in a rut with your writing. Even if it doesn’t work, or if it does but you still prefer another method, you won’t know until you try. For me, I will continue to work harder on less days, and do big blocks of time, rather than short bursts, to get the same amount of work done. But I know now that if I don’t have whole days at my disposal, if all I have is an hour or two to work per day during a week, that I can do that too.
I challenge you to try taking up a writing habit for a week- especially if, like me, you’re not a daily writer. Just try it. What’s the worst that can happen? You won’t like it and you’ll go back to your old routine? Or maybe, just maybe, you’ll learn something new about yourself. (I mean, isn’t that the point?) 😉