It saddens me to say the following, but I have to face the facts. And so, it's with a heavy heart that I make the sudden, but necessary, decision to postpone Your Story in 2021 until next year.
As it has for many, this year has thrown a lot of curveballs at me. Some big, some small, but all of them time-consuming.
I've been distracted and pulled away from working on my blog posts over and over and over agin- and we're only in May!
And the sad reality (for my blog) is that my year is only set to get busier in the coming months.
And so I have made the decision to postpone Your Story until next year. I still really want to give you all a year of interviews, sharing all the interesting stories of different people in the writing community. I just don't have the time to do it now. I want to do the series justice and to do that I need to give it more of my time. To plan, to interview, to review and post. Time I just don't have this year.
Please continue to follow my social media posts and subscribe to my newsletter for any teasers I have for the series, information about my books, updates on my writing journey, and to stay informed when I do return to my blog.
Until 2022, keep writing, keep having fun, and I'll be back before you know it.