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Life Advice from a Writers Mind: A Letter to my Baby


My perfect little baby.

How much I love you already. You are still so little, even though you’ve already grown so much. And though you’ve learned a lot so far, you still have so much more to learn. Life has a lot to offer, and a lot of trials for you to endure. But I will always be by your side, for you to turn to, whenever you need me. I will love and comfort you, share your pain and happiness, and teach you what I can.

Let’s start now, shall we. Let me tell you what I’ve learned from life. My advice to you, from my writers mind.

1. Life is hard. Much like writing a book, there are ups and downs along the way. Sometimes things are good, and everything works and other times you fall apart because nothing is coming together the way you expected it to. The beauty of it is, you end up appreciating it more that way. The good acts as a light through the dark, giving you hope and pulling you through the hard times. And the bad makes the good glisten in the sun. Hopefully, you get to the end and look back at a wonderfully complex story full of love, light, struggles and achievements that you can proudly share with the world.

2. Life is a work of art. Sure it can be messy. Chapters of your life will be choppy, and some even unfinished. Your sentences will get muddled and you’ll forget the words you need. Sometimes all you have is a bunch of gibberish and a confused look on your face. But in the moments that it does come together- when you get your sentences straight and you finish off a chapter with a smile, moving on to the next- it becomes a beautiful dance, a painting you can show off to others, or quietly admire yourself.

3. It’s ok to cry. In sadness, happiness, or because you laughed so hard that your giggles had nowhere left to go but out your eyes. Emotions are powerful things that should be embraced, not feared. Emotions make your story richer, bolder, more honest and thus more relatable. Embrace them.

4. Make lots of friends wherever you go. Everyone needs a sidekick- yes, you will be one in someone else’s story too. Phases in your life come and go, and so do your friends. But you always need friends to enrich and excite your life- so keep making more, constantly.

5. But be wary of narcissistic people. You never know who the villain of your story is. It could be a co-worker, friend, stranger, or the person in the mirror. Have an open heart and an open mind, but also keep your eyes open for red flags.

6. LOVE. Love your friends and family. Find love in a partner you adore. Learn to love yourself- that’s a hard one for many. Find compassion for strangers- even when others can’t. Discover your passions and follow them with all your heart. A life without love is an empty, vague, lifeless story. Fill your story with passion and the whole world will want to be a part of that book.

I’ve learned a lot of things in my life so far, but one of my favourites is this: Sometimes the best ideas are right in front of you. Like you my baby. Having you was the best idea I’ve ever had. And I can’t wait to see how your story plays out.

Love Mummy


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