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MMC #4- Journalling


Todays blog post is going to be a short one. And for one simple reason- I didn’t “learn” anything from Mays MMC.

Let me clarify.

Mays challenge concept was easy- daily journaling. The challenge lied in one simple fact: To succeed at a daily journaling challenge, I would need to journal daily- something I’ve never been good at.

So, I wasn’t at all surprised when I didn’t journal every day.

But that doesn’t mean that I don’t see the merit in the task.

Have you noticed how much calmer or clearer your mind is when you rant to a friend about something? Getting it out in the open helps.

Writing your thoughts down has the same effect- minus the hysterical laughing when your rant gets out of control and your friend makes a joke about it. Regardless of how you decide to journal, or what you’re writing about, utilising a journal or diary of some kind, whether daily or occasionally, can help you clear your head, sort through your emotions, and just take care of your general mental health.

So, try a gratitude journal. Write in a diary. Go beyond the to-do lists we all know so well and see what develops from that. Challenge yourself to sit still long enough to tap into whatever is trapped in your heart or mind.

I might not have learned anything new about myself from this challenge, but I challenge you to try journaling and see what you could learn about yourself.


I’ll be taking a break from MMCs throughout June. Initially I was planning to challenge myself to a “weekend retreat”. But then I realised that even if I made the focus of the “retreat” self-care, there was still an element of planning involved that I just didn’t have the energy or desire to undertake. So, I will be back to My Monthly Challenges in July, when I will utilise Camp NaNoWriMo to motivate me to start my first draft of my Historical novel. The challenge in July lies in trying to write something I’ve never done before (genre/style). Join me in challenging yourself to write something that scares you, something you’ve never tried before. Are you a fantasy writer? Try writing that contemporary idea you stuffed in the back of your mind. Is your focus on nonfiction? Try writing that small nugget of a novel you tell yourself you can’t do. Never thought you could write poetry? I dare you to put pen to paper and see what flows- it might be better than you’re expecting.

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