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Monthly Challenge #4: Support


I don't know if it was just me, but I get the sense that August didn't go quite as planned.

First let me start by telling you a little about August's "challenges". I put challenges in quotation marks because I felt like this month was less about challenging yourself (in a specific way) and more about encouraging others. In addition to the usual monthly training session (did I not mention these before?) the plan for August included co-working sessions and a hot seat or two. The plan was to work toward our goals together, helping each other through our struggles and getting closer to our dreams.

The "Co-Working" sessions would be held on Zoom (like Skype, for those who don't know) where we could all join and work together- like a study date. Unlike the Facebook lives (where Kaila is the only one on camera) the co-working session would include as many people on camera that wanted to attend. The aim was to have one session led by Kaila- so we knew what to expect- and another 2-3 led by other members.

The "Hot Seat" sessions would be like an on camera/live interview, focusing on a topic that the interviewee wanted answers to. For example, if I wanted specific answers to questions regarding the publishing process, I would send my topic/questions to Kaila (saying "hey, I want to talk about this") and then join her on a live, so others could also get answers to the questions we may both have.

Did it work, you ask?


Ok, so you remember how I said it might have just been me? Well, August was hard for me- writing wise. On the one hand, I was preparing for the writer's retreat in Bali- getting my chapters ready to send, reading chapters for my feedback group, along with preparing for a holiday in early September. And when I wasn't actively prepping... I was thinking about all the things I still had to do. It was a mentally draining month and that made joining the monthly membership group, with enthusiasm, difficult. I tried to attend lives when I could- although many were at less than ideal times for me. So, yes, I was a little withdraw this month.

That said, I think I remember one of the co-working sessions being cancelled, and the hot seat being postponed- only I don't remember it happening later in the month.

Look, I can only speak for myself, and honestly, I needed a break in August. I did a lot on my WIP in July and I needed a chance to catch up on what I'd neglected and prepare for what was to come. But that doesn't mean that this month's monthly "challenges" weren't helpful. And here's why: We can always learn something from everything- no matter the situation. Personally, I learnt to trust my instincts when they tell me to take a break or prioritize something else. But while my take-away was one of self-reflection, there is a greater take-away in the intent of the August challenges...


Having a sense of community is really important in all areas of life. That feeling of a close-knit family, knowing your work-wife has your back, or the flyers in the windows of small shops in town. Knowing that you are not alone in something is uplifting, inspiring and incredibly comforting. And a writing community is no less important than any other.

I say this all the time- mostly because I had no idea of its importance until it hit me square between the eyes- but find your people. Whether online or at your local community house, find people with whom you can share your writing journey. Critique partners, potential betas, accountability partners, mentors, writer friends that don't mind you picking their brains... People who are experienced in a certain field of the writing journey that you could ask questions of, learn from or turn to for further recommendations or referrals to more experts in the field... Surround yourself with people who can work with you, support your and eat a tub of ice-cream with you when the words just aren't working. Whether you develop your community through co-working sessions, live write-in's, informative ho seats or random Instagram DM's, develop it your way.

Find your people. Create a community. Grow together.

P.S. For the record, I still believe that the challenges planned for August were a good idea. As you can tell I'm a huge believer in community, and a group that finds creative was to support one another and share their knowledge is a great one. It was just unfortunate that August wasn't a month in which I could actively participate in more of the challenges.

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