Ok guys, it’s a new year. And you know what that means… Lot’s of people promising to do something they normally wouldn’t do or stop doing something they know is bad for them, even though they love it. Basically, a recipe for disaster. AmIright?!
I suck at new years resolutions like everyone else. So, this year I’ve decided to take a different approach to them.
This year, I won’t be listing the things that are easy, that I know I won’t commit to, for my new years’ resolutions. Instead, I’m going to list the stuff that I think is really hard, but I know I will push myself to do.
Instead of setting myself a daily workout routine that I will undoubtedly talk my way out of, I am going to set myself bigger, long term goals for publishing, finishing drafts, and researching, across the course of the year. Some might get done on time, some might fall a little behind schedule- because, along with resolutions, I also suck at time management. #honesty
Last year I tried to focus on what was right in front of me at the time and I got increasingly dizzy as the months sped past- and I with zero preparation for what came next, I never seemed to catch up on anything. This year I want to turn my attitude towards goal setting on its head, and see how much I can really achieve.
So, what is on my list for 2019?
I’m so glad you asked.
1. An entire platform revamp: If you haven’t noticed yet, I’ve tweaked a few things across my social media platform and my website.
(EDITED) My blog has also gotten a bit of a face-lift. You can now like, comment on, and subscribe to my blogs!
2. My blog will also be featuring two brand new series’ this year.
- My Monthly Challenges (MMCs): I loved Kaila Walker’s monthly challenges. Even though a lot of them weren’t for me, they challenged me to try something new- and… wasn’t that the point? I also loved that I could learn lessons from these challenges, and share what I learned with you guys. So, I will be coming up with my own challenges every month to force me to try new things. I hope you’ll join me in trying some yourself!
- Honesty Hour: Think #honesty and #realtalk. Honesty Hour will pop up from time to time, bringing a really raw look at a topic. I will be talking about a topic that has been on my mind, how it can impact a person’s life, and how to embrace it, get around it, distance yourself from it, but most importantly learn from it. I like to think my blog posts are pretty open and honest, but Honesty Hour posts will be brutal. Harsh realities and wake up calls for you and me. And I can’t wait to bring them to you.
3. WIPs: I will be working really hard this year to finish the first draft of not one but two novels. My aim here is much less on perfection and much more on just having a story that a person could pick up and read, start to finish, and know what happened. I’ll worry about the nitty gritty later- I want these drafts done.
4. Poetry: Along with my novels, I will begin drafting my third poetry book this year. I also plan to publish my second poetry book this year- date TBC, but I’m aiming for the middle of the year.
5. (Updated:) If you’ve been following me on social media, or checked out my home page, you’ll notice I held not one but THREE giveaways in January. THREE! I wanted to thank all my supporters for joining me on my crazy journey. I did a lot and learned a lot in 2018 and I wanted to give back. It was way harder to organize than I expected, and I learned a lot in the process, but it was also a huge blast to interact with my community and send some cool gifts out to them.
- Giveaway #1 ran 7th-13th Jan. A signed copy of Just a Thought, by Jacinta Hudson (me!)
- Giveaway #2 ran 14th-20st Jan. A signed copy of Be Your Own #Goals, by Kristen Martin
- Giveaway #3 ran 21st-27th Jan. A hand crafted candle with poem quotes, by Yours Truly
All giveaways are now closed and prizes have been sent to the winners.
6. I have plans to bring you a newsletter! I had hoped to start the year with this, but as it was a last-minute decision, I just didn’t get it ready in time.
This will be a quarterly newsletter, coming to you on the 3rd day of every quarter (i.e. Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct). This newsletter will cover a few things, including but not limited to:
- Annual/Quarterly goals
- TBR updates (what I read last QTR, what I plan to read next QTR)
- WIP updates
- Lessons I learned in the previous QTR
and of course
- Things to look forward to (cover reveals, beta searches, giveaways etc)
7. Along with all these big plans, I will post my regular two blog posts per month (24 total for year) and hope to read just as many books (24books for year)
Bonus 8. I also have three secret projects that may or may not come your way this year (that completely depends how I go for time- more about those as things develop).
Well, that’s about it.
For now.
And thank god, because just reading that list makes me tired.
I don’t know if I can pull it off, but I am sure as hell gonna give it my best try. At the end of this year, I will either say that I achieved a lot, or that I got a bloody good head start on 2020. Either way, I’m going to end this year with a smile on my face and pride in my heart.
What are your plans for 2019? Are they small steps or giant leaps? Will you keep them safe or share them with the world.
It doesn’t matter what your goals are, big or small, professional or personal, shared or private. The only thing that really matters is that they are true to you, will make you a better person in some way, and that win or fail, when you look back at the end of the year, you can say your proud to have at least tried.
So, go out and follow your dreams.
Or go to bed.
Whichever you choose. I don’t judge. Planning exhausts me.